
 Video Script

Shane: Hello earthlings of the 21st century! My name is Shane and I am sending a message to you from the future. In 2070, humans were forced to leave earth because the earth became inhabitable just like the film Interstellar predicted. Our new society is set on Mars because it was the most habitable planet. Members of our new society decided that we need to revert back to our old ways to prevent another apocalypse from occurring. We call our new home Project Jetson. Here at Project Jetson, men go to work every day while the women stay home and tend to our families. In our quest to find our way again, it’s nice to be able to write again like I did in college and early in my career. As my career grew, the people accustomed to newspaper or TV news died out, leaving only generations of millennials or Gen Z and younger that grew up with only generations raised with social media of the news that nobody had the attention span for any news story longer than 280 characters. I soon had to focus all my reporting onto Twitter, and they don’t pay me to report the news. The breed of journalists was an endangered species when I started my career, and now we are almost all extinct. This new start has allowed me to become young again, by getting physical, tangible, long-form stories back into the world and not being exhausted by the high-pace nature of social media-driven journalism. There is lots to report at the news station about our colony up here and every new advancement made for the past two years. Here on mars, there is an oxygen bubble that surrounds our colony so that we do not need to wear helmets. Inside the bubble, there are camps of suburban neighborhoods with similar style houses, cars, and landscapes. Inside the bubble life is great! 

Alarm sound

Reilly and Maddie: We are travelers from the year 2072 with an urgent message. 

Maddie: Don’t listen to anything he says! 

Reilly: They told us to stop worrying so much about progression and start worrying about regression. Although men live well inside the bubble, we feel trapped. Outside there is a barren desert-like environment. 

Maddie: There is no escaping. 

Maddie: On earth, I used to work in marketing. At Project Jetson, marketing strategies influence women to stay home and tend to the family to “avoid disaster”. I used to love working but my job isn’t meant for me anymore, the marketing field has been eliminated, due to the small knit community there is no need for big broadcasted messages. They just want us all to live the same lives. 

Reilly: Coming from a communications background, Technology is not as important at project jetson as it was on earth. We use it scarcely to survive, but should not fear it in ways that films such as Interstellar tell us too. You must fear the patriarchy. 

Maddie: We have no rights at project Jetson. Men have taken over once again. 

Reilly: We urge you to please change the social hierarchy before it is too late. 

Maddie and Reilly: It may be too late for us but we have hope for you.


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